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Daintree cruises Estuarine Crocodiles
Crocodylus porosus

Estuarine Crocodiles are found in the indo-pacific region. They are most commonly seen in tidal zones of rivers but are also seen along beaches, out at sea and in freshwater rivers and swamps, sometimes hundreds of kilometres inland. We spot crocodiles frequently on our Daintree river cruises.

The breeding season starts in October/November and nesting from December to April. It isn’t unlikely to spot crocodiles from our Daintree crocodile tours while they are nesting but finding them does become more difficult. The female builds the nest, a mound of vegetation and soil close to a permanent body of water such as where we carry out our Daintree tours. The nest must be constructed higher than the high tide mark to avoid inundation, if this occurs the eggs will ‘drown’ due to their permeable egg structure. This is another reason why we are careful on all of our Daintree river tours.

More information on Birds - click here
More information on Crocodiles - click here
More information on Frogs & Others - click here

This is also likely if the watercourse floods, which is a real possibility as the nesting season coincides with the wet season in the tropics. More males are likely to hatch from the nest if it is 32 ͦC however more females are likely if the temperature varies above or below this. The mother crocodile protects the nest from other crocodiles, goannas and feral pigs for the 90 days it takes the eggs to hatch. When they are ready, the baby crocodiles grunt and the mother crocodile helps them out of the nest, even out of the eggs if they are having trouble. She uses her mouth to do this, and to carry them to the water. The mother watches over the young for up to 5 weeks, however many do not make it to adulthood as birds (Some of which you will find on other Daintree bird watching tours), large fish, sharks and other crocodiles will eat them.

Young crocodiles eat insects, crabs, prawns and most other small prey they can catch. They can catch larger prey as they grow, including fish, frogs and rodents and adult crocodiles can eat larger prey such as pigs, kangaroos, cattle, horses and other crocodiles. More information on crocodiles can be found on one of our Daintree discovery tours.

daintree river cruises
daintree crocodile tours
daintree river tours
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river cruises daintree


daintree river cruises crocodile tours cairns
crocodile tours daintree
Times & Rates
Offering to all discerning travellers the best choices in on-site accommodation, caravanning, camping and a central location close to all our town’s amenities and services.
river tours daintree
As an operator in a Conservation zone we recognise the importance of meeting the highest environmental standards. Our business was designed around the environment, with the buildings and walkways constructed to minimise the impact.
daintree cruises
About us
Our boat was designed to be comfortable, quiet and to maximize our Daintree River cruises observation. Guests are encouraged to stand on the front deck to get “up close and personal” with wildlife on our Daintree crocodile tours.
daintree river cruises
Our Daintree cruises reception area also has a souvenir shop with many items for all budgets and all personalities, to remember your Daintree River Cruises experience.
daintree crocodile tours daintree river tours
Contact us to get the regions best Daintree River experience
We've been providing Daintree River Tours since 1987

2856 Mossman-Daintree Rd, Lower Daintree, QLD.
Look for our Aussie Flags

Phone: 0459 241 899

Email: info@daintreerivercruises.com.au


Operating months (March – January)

Monday to Saturday: 9am to 5pm (last cruise 2:30pm)
Sunday: 9am to 1:30pm (last cruise 3:30pm)

We are closed throughout February annually

We are Closed Christmas day and New Year's Day

If you’re self-driving here, look for our Aussie Flags

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